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Pain Management

Pain Medicine Group

Interventional Pain Medicine & Sports Medicine located in Sarasota, FL & Oviedo, FL

Failing to address chronic pain can negatively affect your quality of life. At the Pain Medicine Group, the experienced team offers innovative pain management approaches alongside supportive treatments that go beyond traditional pain management plans. Call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Mauna M. Radahd, or Dr. Morgan Callahan in Sarasota, Florida, or Dr. Jason C. Tse in Oviedo and greater Orlando area, Florida, or use the online booking tool.

Pain Management Q & A

How can pain management help me?

Pain management refers to the medical approaches used to prevent and treat painful health conditions. A comprehensive pain management plan can:

  • Identify the best course of treatment for your pain
  • Help you avoid surgery using conservative approaches
  • Manage stubborn pain conditions resistant to traditional therapies
  • Offer long-term medication management for chronic pain conditions
  • Provide rehabilitation after surgery

At the Pain Medicine Group, the skilled team offers a variety of pain management techniques to address the full range of chronic pain problems.

How are chronic pain conditions diagnosed?

To provide the most effective pain management solutions, your doctor performs a complete medical or surgical examination to identify the source of your pain. This exam might include:

  • A psychological evaluation
  • Laboratory testing, MRIs, or X-rays
  • EMG and nerve conduction studies
  • A complete musculoskeletal evaluation
  • Neuropsychological exams for head injuries or cognitive disorders

The team has extensive experience identifying the root cause of pain conditions and prescribing optimal pain treatments.

What types of pain management can help me?

As pioneers in this specialized area of medicine, Pain Medicine Group's board-certified doctors offer the most advanced pain management techniques available. Your pain management plan will vary depending upon your unique situation but may include:

Physical therapy

Physical therapy helps relieve pain by improving your strength and range of motion. Your doctor may recommend a series of physical therapy sessions depending on the severity of your symptoms.

TENS machine

A transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) machine uses low-voltage electricity to reduce muscular pain. This pain management therapy is safe, effective, and noninvasive.


A traction device uses a system of pulleys to gently stretch your spinal column to alleviate neck pain caused by nerve irritation.


Approaches like platelet-rich plasma can help regenerate tissue that had degenerated or sustained injury.


Injections such as facet joint injections, epidural steroid injections, or medial branch blocks, depending on the source of your pain and your symptoms, can help some symptoms.

Conventional pain medication

Because of the addictive nature of certain pain medications like opioids, this approach is generally a last resort. However, pain medication can help some patients recovering from surgery or who hastem cellve not found relief via other means.

Call the Pain Medicine Group or book an appointment online to see how pain management can relieve your discomfort.

What other medical issues do we treat?

At Pain Medicine Group, we treat a wide range of medical issues including: